The module is creatively designed for the organisation and corporate groups to have a stress free environment and a joyful learning atmosphere using interventions like Art, Music, Drama, Psychology, Story, Model Based, etc.
This model can also be incorporated with other models. It can be conducted at places like open garden, resorts, theme parks, open lobby, farm houses, etc. For Outbound and Auditorium, Seminar Hall, Banquet Space, etc for Inbound Learning. It can be customised for more days as well.
Module Outline
Topic | Timings |
Introduction | 10 min |
Ice Breaker | 10 min |
Motivation and Energizer | 30 min |
Sub Groups Formation | 15 min |
Activity 1 | 40 min |
Break | 30 min |
Activity 2 | 40 min |
Feedback for the Day | 15 min |
Total | Approx 3 Hours |
The activities are customised and framed as per the requirement.
The modules will be focusing on:
- Communication
- Retention rate
- Joyful Learning
- Stress Free Zone
- Non Judgemental Space
- Smart Planning
- Team Work
- Group Dynamics
- Leadership
- Work Life Balance
- Job Satisfaction
- Discipline
- Listening Skills
- Life Skills
- Ownership
- Open to Learning
- Smart Work
- Dealing with Problems
- Analytical Approach
The Outbound Module will be outside the campus. It can be of multiple days depending on the requirement.
Below given is a sample module for corporate:
Sr.No. | Activities | Description | Time Allotted |
1 | Introduction | ————– | 05 min |
2 | Ice Breaker | Kickstart | 05 min |
3 | Energizer | Focusing on 1 way / 2 way Communication | 10 min |
4 | Group Formation | Knowing Each other | 10 min |
5 | Group Pyramid | 0Focusing on Team Work | 45 min |
6 | Relaxing Break | Cooling Down | 10 min |
7 | Energizer | Fun Learning | 10 min |
8 | New Group Formation | Fun Way | 10 min |
9 | Water Splash | Focusing on Connect Building in a Group | 45 min |
10 | Balloon Activity | Dealing in a Group | 15 min |
11 | Relaxing Break | Cooling Down | 10 min |
12 | Ice Breaker | Refresher | 05 min |
13 | New Group Formation | Creative Way | 10 min |
14 | Concentration or Distraction? | Focus & Distraction (Team Effort) | 45 min |
15 | Wrapping Up Activity | Fun End | 30 min |