The age bracket of a student during the school is one of the crucial phases for a student. The teen age years for a child are the foundation of his/her future. After understanding the age group, talking and interacting with these special children. A special module has been drafted for these children for permanent change in behaviour and results. A model based on activity based learning leading to fun learning is the need
of the hour.
This age bracket of a student when he/she is pursuing college studies also helps in the foundation of a lot of core aspects. They regularly need focus and motivation for the path which they will be choosing in future. A lot of them are confused as to what they want to do ahead. A lot of them sit for their placements and what to understand the path to the professional world. Few of them get into entrepreneurship and few follow their passion. A lot of them pursue their higher studies. So, considering the various parameters, they need regular mentoring and motivation for them to go through the path easily and with confidence. And hence the module for this age group is framed in a different manner.
The module covers all such aspects which a student needs during the graduation years for enhancement. It covers the pre placement aspects, personality building, group learning, group activities, aptitude building
parameters, professional world, presentation techniques, public speaking, networking, self understanding and enhancement.
The team which conducts the whole module is a blend of young and senior +experts specialized in their different domains like Motivation, Psychology, Training, Mentoring, Corporate, Consultancy, Law, Media, IT, Manufacturing, Industry, Teaching, etc. So, it is combination of Youth Mentors and Specialized Speakers
The module is creatively designed for the organisation and corporate groups to have a stress free environment and a joyful learning atmosphere using interventions like Art, Music, Drama, Psychology, Story, Model Based, etc.
This model can also be incorporated with other models. It can be conducted at places like open garden, resorts, theme parks, open lobby, farm houses, etc. For Outbound and Auditorium, Seminar Hall, Banquet Space, etc for Inbound Learning. It can be customised for more days as well.